ASP huge upload with progressbar live sample   

      This sample demontrates using of Huge-ASP upload with a simple html form with mixed text/file form fields. Number of file fields can be extended using 'Add a file' button (The button uses client-side Javascript and insertAdjacentHTML method).
      Server-side ASP script accepts source form fields and files using Huge-ASP upload and then shows basic info about source form.

Upload limit : 10000000B.
Upload description :
 File 1 :
 File 2 :

Store the files on a disk
Send files using email
      Another live upload samples.
      Upload with image preview upload a file with a client-side restriction to image extensions, progress bar, server-side checking of a file contents, size limit per upload and per file and send an administration email info
      Upload-to-email send an email with file attachments from ASP.
      Simple file upload upload one or more files along with description.
      Progress bar gallery simple upload with progress bar, several HTML formatted progress gallery.
      Upload and resize image Short upload code with image resize and format conversion.

 Huge ASP file upload   

      Huge-ASP upload is easy to use, hi-performance ASP file upload component with progress bar indicator (html based, fully customizable). Let's you upload multiple files with size up to 2GB to a disk, database or email along with another form fields. Works with large posts, any character set (including unicode utf-8). 
      More about Huge-ASP upload >>  .

      Another online samples (utilities, converting, upload)

      On-line base64 decoder and encoder - let's you convert text data and files from/to a Base64 string.
      Punycode/IDN decoder and encoder - online conversion between unicode (utf-8), punycode and IDNs (Internationalized Domain Names)
      Online binary file to SQL field (base16 or HexString) - let's you create an SQL statement to insert/update binary or a text file to a SQL database field. You can also create whole WSH (VBScript) to do the action.

c 1996 - 2025 Antonin Foller, PSTRUH Software, e-mail