Sometimes you have to send some forms to a web site without user interaction. Internet explorer has a navigate method, which lets you send GET and POST request with data to any URL. Next functions are samples of a POST request which sends POST form data. For example, you have next form: <Form Action= Method=Post> <Input Name=FirstName Value=Franta> <Input Name=LastName Value=Vomacka> <Input Name=Email Value=fanda@mobula.com> <Input Type=Submit> </Form>Next VBA code simulates same submit of the form using IE
See alsofor 'Send form data using IE without user interaction - automated POST' article Copyright and use this code
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<A Href="https://www.motobit.com/tips/detpg_sendfrmie/" Title="Lets you send form data (field names and values) as a POST request using internet explorer, it is automated post, without asistence of user." >Send form data using IE without user interaction - automated POST</A> Do you like it? Rate me on LinkedIn |
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