MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility ServerTypes Enum, Member of UserManager

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The list of Server types.


stDOMAIN_ENUM = &H80000000-2 147 483 648  Primary Domain.
st_ALL = &HFFFFFFFF-1  All servers.
stWORKSTATION = &H1 All LAN Manager workstations.
stSERVER = &H2 All LAN Manager servers.
stSQLSERVER = &H4 Any server running with Microsoft SQL Server.
stDOMAIN_CTRL = &H8 Primary domain controller.
stDOMAIN_BAKCTRL = &H1016  Backup domain controller.
stTIMESOURCE = &H2032  Server running the Timesource service.
stAFP = &H4064  Apple File Protocol servers.
stNOVELL = &H80128  Novell servers.
stDOMAIN_MEMBER = &H100256  LAN Manager 2.x Domain Member.
stPRINT = &H200512  Server sharing print queue.
stDIALIN = &H4001 024  Server running dial-in service.
stXENIX_SERVER = &H8002 048  Xenix server.
stNT = &H10004 096  Windows NT (either Workstation or Server).
stWFW = &H20008 192  Server running Windows for Workgroups.
stMFPN = &H400016 384  Microsoft File and Print for Netware.
stSERVER_NT = &H800032 768  Windows NT non-DC server.
stPOTENTIAL_BROWSER = &H1000065 536  Server that can run the Browser service.
stBACKUP_BROWSER = &H20000131 072  Server running a Browser service as backup.
stMASTER_BROWSER = &H40000262 144  Server running the master Browser service.
stDOMAIN_MASTER = &H80000524 288  Server running the domain master Browser.
stWINDOWS = &H4000004 194 304  Windows 95 or later.
stLOCAL_LIST_ONLY = &H400000001 073 741 824  Servers maintained by the browser.


VBS include

'ServerTypes - begin
Public Const stDOMAIN_ENUM = &H80000000 'Primary Domain.
Public Const st_ALL = &HFFFFFFFF 'All servers.
Public Const stWORKSTATION = &H1 'All LAN Manager workstations.
Public Const stSERVER = &H2 'All LAN Manager servers.
Public Const stSQLSERVER = &H4 'Any server running with Microsoft SQL Server.
Public Const stDOMAIN_CTRL = &H8 'Primary domain controller.
Public Const stDOMAIN_BAKCTRL = &H10 'Backup domain controller.
Public Const stTIMESOURCE = &H20 'Server running the Timesource service.
Public Const stAFP = &H40 'Apple File Protocol servers.
Public Const stNOVELL = &H80 'Novell servers.
Public Const stDOMAIN_MEMBER = &H100 'LAN Manager 2.x Domain Member.
Public Const stPRINT = &H200 'Server sharing print queue.
Public Const stDIALIN = &H400 'Server running dial-in service.
Public Const stXENIX_SERVER = &H800 'Xenix server.
Public Const stNT = &H1000 'Windows NT (either Workstation or Server).
Public Const stWFW = &H2000 'Server running Windows for Workgroups.
Public Const stMFPN = &H4000 'Microsoft File and Print for Netware.
Public Const stSERVER_NT = &H8000 'Windows NT non-DC server.
Public Const stPOTENTIAL_BROWSER = &H10000 'Server that can run the Browser service.
Public Const stBACKUP_BROWSER = &H20000 'Server running a Browser service as backup.
Public Const stMASTER_BROWSER = &H40000 'Server running the master Browser service.
Public Const stDOMAIN_MASTER = &H80000 'Server running the domain master Browser.
Public Const stWINDOWS = &H400000 'Windows 95 or later.
Public Const stLOCAL_LIST_ONLY = &H40000000 'Servers maintained by the browser.
'ServerTypes - end

VB4 include

'ServerTypes - begin
Public Const stDOMAIN_ENUM As Long = &H80000000 'Primary Domain.
Public Const st_ALL As Long = &HFFFFFFFF 'All servers.
Public Const stWORKSTATION As Long = &H1 'All LAN Manager workstations.
Public Const stSERVER As Long = &H2 'All LAN Manager servers.
Public Const stSQLSERVER As Long = &H4 'Any server running with Microsoft SQL Server.
Public Const stDOMAIN_CTRL As Long = &H8 'Primary domain controller.
Public Const stDOMAIN_BAKCTRL As Long = &H10 'Backup domain controller.
Public Const stTIMESOURCE As Long = &H20 'Server running the Timesource service.
Public Const stAFP As Long = &H40 'Apple File Protocol servers.
Public Const stNOVELL As Long = &H80 'Novell servers.
Public Const stDOMAIN_MEMBER As Long = &H100 'LAN Manager 2.x Domain Member.
Public Const stPRINT As Long = &H200 'Server sharing print queue.
Public Const stDIALIN As Long = &H400 'Server running dial-in service.
Public Const stXENIX_SERVER As Long = &H800 'Xenix server.
Public Const stNT As Long = &H1000 'Windows NT (either Workstation or Server).
Public Const stWFW As Long = &H2000 'Server running Windows for Workgroups.
Public Const stMFPN As Long = &H4000 'Microsoft File and Print for Netware.
Public Const stSERVER_NT As Long = &H8000 'Windows NT non-DC server.
Public Const stPOTENTIAL_BROWSER As Long = &H10000 'Server that can run the Browser service.
Public Const stBACKUP_BROWSER As Long = &H20000 'Server running a Browser service as backup.
Public Const stMASTER_BROWSER As Long = &H40000 'Server running the master Browser service.
Public Const stDOMAIN_MASTER As Long = &H80000 'Server running the domain master Browser.
Public Const stWINDOWS As Long = &H400000 'Windows 95 or later.
Public Const stLOCAL_LIST_ONLY As Long = &H40000000 'Servers maintained by the browser.
'ServerTypes - end

VB5 include

Public Enum ServerTypes
  stDOMAIN_ENUM = &H80000000 'Primary Domain.
  st_ALL = &HFFFFFFFF 'All servers.
  stWORKSTATION = &H1 'All LAN Manager workstations.
  stSERVER = &H2 'All LAN Manager servers.
  stSQLSERVER = &H4 'Any server running with Microsoft SQL Server.
  stDOMAIN_CTRL = &H8 'Primary domain controller.
  stDOMAIN_BAKCTRL = &H10 'Backup domain controller.
  stTIMESOURCE = &H20 'Server running the Timesource service.
  stAFP = &H40 'Apple File Protocol servers.
  stNOVELL = &H80 'Novell servers.
  stDOMAIN_MEMBER = &H100 'LAN Manager 2.x Domain Member.
  stPRINT = &H200 'Server sharing print queue.
  stDIALIN = &H400 'Server running dial-in service.
  stXENIX_SERVER = &H800 'Xenix server.
  stNT = &H1000 'Windows NT (either Workstation or Server).
  stWFW = &H2000 'Server running Windows for Workgroups.
  stMFPN = &H4000 'Microsoft File and Print for Netware.
  stSERVER_NT = &H8000 'Windows NT non-DC server.
  stPOTENTIAL_BROWSER = &H10000 'Server that can run the Browser service.
  stBACKUP_BROWSER = &H20000 'Server running a Browser service as backup.
  stMASTER_BROWSER = &H40000 'Server running the master Browser service.
  stDOMAIN_MASTER = &H80000 'Server running the domain master Browser.
  stWINDOWS = &H400000 'Windows 95 or later.
  stLOCAL_LIST_ONLY = &H40000000 'Servers maintained by the browser.
End Enum 'ServerTypes

JScript include

//ServerTypes - begin
var stDOMAIN_ENUM = 0x80000000; //Primary Domain.
var st_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF; //All servers.
var stWORKSTATION = 0x1; //All LAN Manager workstations.
var stSERVER = 0x2; //All LAN Manager servers.
var stSQLSERVER = 0x4; //Any server running with Microsoft SQL Server.
var stDOMAIN_CTRL = 0x8; //Primary domain controller.
var stDOMAIN_BAKCTRL = 0x10; //Backup domain controller.
var stTIMESOURCE = 0x20; //Server running the Timesource service.
var stAFP = 0x40; //Apple File Protocol servers.
var stNOVELL = 0x80; //Novell servers.
var stDOMAIN_MEMBER = 0x100; //LAN Manager 2.x Domain Member.
var stPRINT = 0x200; //Server sharing print queue.
var stDIALIN = 0x400; //Server running dial-in service.
var stXENIX_SERVER = 0x800; //Xenix server.
var stNT = 0x1000; //Windows NT (either Workstation or Server).
var stWFW = 0x2000; //Server running Windows for Workgroups.
var stMFPN = 0x4000; //Microsoft File and Print for Netware.
var stSERVER_NT = 0x8000; //Windows NT non-DC server.
var stPOTENTIAL_BROWSER = 0x10000; //Server that can run the Browser service.
var stBACKUP_BROWSER = 0x20000; //Server running a Browser service as backup.
var stMASTER_BROWSER = 0x40000; //Server running the master Browser service.
var stDOMAIN_MASTER = 0x80000; //Server running the domain master Browser.
var stWINDOWS = 0x400000; //Windows 95 or later.
var stLOCAL_LIST_ONLY = 0x40000000; //Servers maintained by the browser.
//ServerTypes - end

IDL include

// ServerTypes
typedef [helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("The list of Server types.")]
enum ServerTypes{
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Primary Domain.")]
		stDOMAIN_ENUM = 0x80000000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("All servers.")]
		st_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("All LAN Manager workstations.")]
		stWORKSTATION = 0x1,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("All LAN Manager servers.")]
		stSERVER = 0x2,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Any server running with Microsoft SQL Server.")]
		stSQLSERVER = 0x4,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Primary domain controller.")]
		stDOMAIN_CTRL = 0x8,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Backup domain controller.")]
		stDOMAIN_BAKCTRL = 0x10,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Server running the Timesource service.")]
		stTIMESOURCE = 0x20,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Apple File Protocol servers.")]
		stAFP = 0x40,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Novell servers.")]
		stNOVELL = 0x80,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("LAN Manager 2.x Domain Member.")]
		stDOMAIN_MEMBER = 0x100,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Server sharing print queue.")]
		stPRINT = 0x200,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Server running dial-in service.")]
		stDIALIN = 0x400,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Xenix server.")]
		stXENIX_SERVER = 0x800,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Windows NT (either Workstation or Server).")]
		stNT = 0x1000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Server running Windows for Workgroups.")]
		stWFW = 0x2000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Microsoft File and Print for Netware.")]
		stMFPN = 0x4000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Windows NT non-DC server.")]
		stSERVER_NT = 0x8000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Server that can run the Browser service.")]
		stPOTENTIAL_BROWSER = 0x10000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Server running a Browser service as backup.")]
		stBACKUP_BROWSER = 0x20000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Server running the master Browser service.")]
		stMASTER_BROWSER = 0x40000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Server running the domain master Browser.")]
		stDOMAIN_MASTER = 0x80000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Windows 95 or later.")]
		stWINDOWS = 0x400000,
	[helpcontext(0x20016), helpstring("Servers maintained by the browser.")]
		stLOCAL_LIST_ONLY = 0x40000000
} ServerTypes;

Used in


Other links for ServerTypes class

ActiveX UserManager classes

User, Users, Group, Server, Groups, GroupMembers, RasUser, Servers, Domain

ActiveX UserManager enums

UsersFilter, GroupAttributes, UserFlags, UserPrivileges, ServerTypes, LogonTypes, LogonProviders, OperatorPrivileges, RasPrivileges, SIDNameUse


ActiveX UserManager is easy to use COM component with classes to create, delete and manage local and remote user accounts, groups, servers and domains in the Windows NT (2000/XP) environment. You can simple work with user accounts and groups from VBA, VBS/JS, ASP and T-SQL programming environment.

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